Mittwoch, 24.04.2024 09:55 Uhr

Palazzo Merulana: the newest museum opened in Rome

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome, 03.08.2018, 10:18 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Kunst, Kultur und Musik +++ Bericht 6148x gelesen

Rome [ENA] An historical building in the centre of the Eternal City is the newest museum opened in Rome: The Elena and Claudio Cerasi Foundation which reopened on 11 May 2018 in Rome under the name of Palazzo Merulana. Approximately two thousand square meters for an exhibition space which presents a significant collection mainly dedicated to the Roman School and Italian art of the Thirties.

Piccoli Santimbanchi (Young tumblers)

Elena and Claudio Cerasi Collection is definitely one of the main private collections created in the last thirty years in Italy. It was 1985 when the collection started taking shape, with the acquisition of Antonio Donghi's masterpiece, Piccoli Santimbanchi (Young tumblers). Those years gave prominence to a general historical revaluation of the artistic movements existing between the two World Wars. Their personal taste and a growing passion orientated Elena and Claudio Cerasi towards the collection of Roman artistic milieu masterpieces : from the "Magic Realism" to the Via Cavour School", from the tonal painting of the Thirties to the realistic and expressionist phase started on the verge of WW ll .

Palazzo Merulana

That is how the first nucleus of the collection was formed and incorporated masterpieces by Capogrossi, Raphaël, Mafai, Scipione, Donghi, Trombadori, Ferrazzi, Pirandello, Cavalli, Ziveri, Fazzini, Leoncillo. Very soon, this part of the collection was amalgamated with artworks coming from other backgrounds, widening the interest towards all the Italian art of the first half of the Twentieth Century, from Balla to Sironi, from Campigli to Severini, Martini, Casorati and Cambellotti . At the end of the Nineties, the collection was enriched with masterpieces by Giorgio de Chirico, and from that moment on one of the biggest inspiration for Elena and Claudio became de Chirico and particularly the so called

Elena and Claudio Cerasi

Bagni misteriosi (Mysterious Baths) series, one of the artist's cycles rich of symbolical meanings. Elena and Claudio Cerasi Collection represents at its best the opulence and vitality of the artistic research carried out in Italy during the last century, in particular the one born on the wave of the Metaphysics and of “Valori Plastici" (Plastic Values). In this perspective, modern works of art gain a peculiar implication within the collection as well, as for the ones of Stefano di Stasio, Luigi Ontani, Paola Gandolfi, Aurelio Bulzatti and many others, but also the Belgian artist Jan Fabre.

Palazzo Merulana offers the Cerasi Collection starting from the ground floor with the large windows that open onto the street, which disclose the Sala delle Sculture: this area is for free use (here is also a bar and small tables in the courtyard) with works by Antonietta Raphael and other artists, but also works by Ceroli, Pugliese and Penone. In the Salone on the second floor, at the foot of a large sculpture by Jan Fabre, there are works by Mafai, Donghi, de Chirico, Cambellotti, Capogrossi, Balla, among others. The third floor is the Galleria del Palazzo, a dynamic space, an outstanding location for exhibitions and cultural events. And last but not least it’s possible to arrive at the Attico, an adaptable and multipurpose area.

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